Zuraida Murdia Hamdie

photo of Zuraida Murdia Hamdie“Is it expensive to solve environmental issues? What we have learned from our experience in Indonesia is when we can change people’s mindsets – when we can touch their hearts and make them the heroes, the changemakers – they will do everything to reach our goal together. It means that we don’t have to spend money on manpower, because they move themselves and inspire other people to move with them.”


Zuraida Murdia Hamdie is the program manager for corporate social responsibility at Adaro Energy. Working with Okty Damayanti (see separate profile), Hamdie has overseen multiple corporate social responsibility projects in Kalimantan. Many of these projects are centered around promoting environmental sustainability through social change. Some of their notable projects include the “Clean Up Tabalong Day” and starting the Waste Bank initiative in rural villages in Kalimantan.