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Cover of Who Rules the EarthRead the Book

Who Rules the Earth? emphasizes the need to change the rules that shape how we interact with the planet. Drawing on research from across the social sciences, Who Rules the Earth? helps readers to “see” the social rules that pattern our physical reality and shows why these are the big levers that will ultimately determine the prospects for sustainability.

Watch the Film

This award-winning film uses animation to bring to life one of the most important ideas to emerge from the social sciences over the past century: how social rules shape our planet and our lives. The film was created through a unique collaboration between a political scientist and 10 student animators from the California Institute of the Arts.

Play the Game

Explore what it will actually take to save the Earth’s tropical forests.  Law of the Jungle is a free game that combines the open-ended adventure of a role-playing game with rigorous content drawn from the social science research literature.

Kenyan man looking over horizonSee Your World

How do social rules affect our everyday lives?  To explore this question, students from three of Paul Steinberg’s courses at the Claremont Colleges conducted research on the rules shaping social and environmental outcomes in the far corners of the globe.